X-RAY 是创骋设计的第二辆自主概念车款,目的为探究未来交通出行方式及可能性。
拥有三栖概念的X-Ray,由X-idea DESIGN GROUP设计开发。推动新能源新使用模式是本次机种的最终概念,同时也为用户提供了一种充满乐趣的驾驶体验以及便利性的使用模式。结合两轮车的驾驶乐趣和四轮车的稳定性,以X Ray为载体通过组件更换的模式,实现在不同环境下的使用。通过可自动调节的坐姿设定让驾驶者充分感受到人车合一的舒适及乐趣感。
在外观概念上X Ray的灵感更是来自于一种海洋生物“魔鬼鱼”,设计师完美的提炼仿生要素,将整车的俯冲感与跳跃感结合现代元素,充分展示了未来交通工具在科技领域的趋势。
With the concept of X Ray designed by X-idea DESIGN, GROUP design and development. To promote the new energy use patterns is the ultimate concept of this model, but also provides a fun driving experience and convenience for users to use mode.Combined with the driving pleasure of two wheeled vehicle and the stability of the four wheel vehicle, the Ray X is used as the carrier to replace the model through the components. By automatically adjusting the sitting posture set to allow the driver to fully feel the car and a sense of comfort and fun.
The appearance of concept on X Ray's inspiration came from a marine "devil fish", perfect designer bionic refining elements, the vehicle will dive and jump with modern elements, fully demonstrated the trend of future traffic tools in the field of science and technology.